Making Our Community Stronger

Sweet little boy lying down on hospital bed at the pediatrics ward while hugging his teddy bear laughing very happy

Taking care of a sick child can put a lot of stress and emotional toll on families. It also puts an even bigger dent in their wallet since hospital bills, medication and housing can add up very quickly. The Beacon Insurance Agency understands the need to support organizations that can meet those needs. The Ronald McDonald House of Central Florida aims to alleviate some of these issues by providing things such as housing, medical expenses and providing basic health and dental care in vulnerable communities.

Lastly, their grants provide the necessary funding to help families pay for the medical bills. Here at The Beacon Insurance Agency, we want to support their efforts in alleviating the emotional and financial stress these families endure…but we need your help!

Each time you recommend a friend, family member, or co-worker to us for a no-obligation quote, we pledge to donate $10 to The Ronald McDonald House. Yes, that is for EACH friend. What do you say? Let’s help out these sick children and their families so they can be well on their way on the road to recovery.

To Make a Donation Directly CLICK HERE

